About Me

Hello! I am Dr. Qamar Kamal a Medicine Specialist!

Dr. Qamar Kamal is a qualified homeopathic doctor, registered with National Council for Homeopathy, Pakistan. He is one of the best homoeopathic Practitioner, Thinker, Researcher, Teacher of Homoeopathy System of Medicine.

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My Area of Skills

He is Empathetic & Reputed to be a clear thinker and is best known for his path breaking Cures in difficult & deep seated pathological cases through homoeopathy. His understanding of disease is to Treat Man in Disease & not Disease in Man.

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This is a complete alternative medical Clinic primarily focused on So called Incurable cases. He has been practicing homeopathy since 1992, and while he specializes in treatment of diseases related to Asthma allergy like (Dust Allergy, Food Allergy, Chemical and Perfume Allergy) Skin Allergy, Psoriasis ,Premature Grey Hair ,Hair problems, Kidney, Stomach, ADHD. He has successfully treated many other types of complicated diseases, even such cases that are generally considered incurable. He has a special . He also offers homeopathic treatment at home. Online Consultation Available. Contact us to get rid from your disorders permanently.


CARE & CURE. Dr. Qamar Kamal is a senior Asthma and allergy specialist in Karachi Pakistan. This Asthma and allergy care and cure center providing best alternative homeopathic treatment for Asthma, dust allergy, food allergy, chemical allergy and also deal all incurable or chronic diseases. Modern, Affordable, And Effective Remedies.

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